Threonine Benefits: 5 Important Facts About this Amino Acid

Threonine Benefits: 5 Important Facts About this Amino Acid

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Are you curious about how certain nutrients can enhance your well-being? Threonine, an essential amino acid, plays a significant role in maintaining your health. From muscle growth to liver function, this powerhouse of an amino acid has a variety of benefits.

Let’s dive into five important facts about threonine and how it can improve your health.

What is Threonine, and Why Is it An Essential Amino Acid?

Threonine is an essential amino acid, meaning your body cannot produce it on its own—you have to get it from your diet. Nonessential amino acids, on the other hand, are those that the body can produce itself. 

Obtaining all the amino acids, including both essential and nonessential ones, is important for overall health. Threonine specifically is essential for the synthesis of glycine and serine, two amino acids vital for the production of collagen, elastin, and muscle tissue. Moreover, threonine helps regulate the immune system and maintain healthy liver function.

Understanding the importance of threonine can help you make better dietary choices and improve your overall health. That being said, here are five important facts about threonine you should know.

Threonine Promotes Muscle Growth and Repair

1. Threonine Promotes Muscle Growth and Repair

Branched-chain amino acids, including threonine, are crucial for muscle growth and repair. Threonine, in particular, aids in the formation of collagen and elastin, essential components of muscles and connective tissues. 

It also plays a role in maintaining proper muscle tone by regulating the balance between glycine and serine. These amino acids help prevent atrophy or degeneration of muscle tissue, promoting healthy muscle growth and repair.

2. Threonine Promotes a Healthy Liver

The liver is a vital organ responsible for detoxifying the body and producing important proteins. Threonine helps maintain healthy liver function by aiding in the production of glycine, which helps eliminate toxins from the body. 

Additionally, threonine is involved in the synthesis of glutathione, an antioxidant that protects liver cells from damage.

3. Threonine Enhances Immune System Function

Threonine is essential for the production of antibodies and immune cells, making it crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system. It also helps regulate inflammation in the body, which can have positive effects on overall health.

4. Threonine Improves Mental Health

L-Threonine is a vital ingredient in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and glycine, significantly contributing to brain function and mental health. Ensuring sufficient intake of L-Threonine may promote healthy cognitive function and help maintain a positive mental state.

5. Threonine Supports Wound Healing

Threonine is essential for wound healing as it aids in collagen production, which is crucial for repairing damaged skin tissue. It also helps with blood clotting and the formation of scar tissue.

Dietary Sources of Threonine

Now that you are aware of these important facts, ensuring adequate intake of threonine through your diet is essential for maintaining optimal health. Threonine is one of the nine essential amino acids that must be obtained through diet.

Threonine can be found in a variety of foods. Some excellent sources include:

  • Beef- 2712 mg per 6 oz steak
  • Lean chicken and turkey- 2445 mg per 6 oz chicken breast
  • Tuna- 2229 mg per 6 oz fillet
  • Firm tofu- 1978 mg per cup
  • Boiled soybeans- 1244 mg per cup
  • Milk- 706 mg per 16 oz glass
  • Green peas- 322 mg per cup
  • Eggs- 302 mg per 1 large egg
  • GOOD IDEA beverages also contain threonine

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help ensure you get enough threonine to support your health. It is also important to consume other amino acids for overall health.

Recommended Daily Intake

The reference daily intake (RDI) of threonine is 15 mg per kg of body weight (or roughly 6.8 mg per pound). Consuming enough essential amino acids is crucial for various biological processes, including protein synthesis and tissue repair. 

Thus, the average 190-pound person would need to consume 1,292 mg of threonine to hit the RDI. While a number in the thousands of milligrams may seem like a lot, once you learn that six ounces of chicken breast contains 2,445 mg, the RDI becomes more attainable.

Symptoms of Threonine Deficiency

Symptoms of Threonine Deficiency

A true threonine deficiency is rare in individuals who consume a balanced diet. However, given the high concentration of threonine in animal products, vegans and vegetarians may not be consuming enough threonine in their diets. 

Threonine Deficiency and Its Implications

Threonine deficiency can lead to a range of health issues. Common symptoms include:

  • Muscle weakness and fatigue
  • Frequent infections due to a weakened immune system
  • Slow wound healing
  • Fatty liver

Recognizing these symptoms early can help you address threonine deficiency before it leads to more severe health problems.

Groups at Risk

Certain groups are more prone to threonine deficiency, including vegetarians and vegans, as plant-based diets can sometimes lack sufficient amounts of this amino acid. Older adults and individuals with chronic illnesses may also be at higher risk.

How Does Threonine Impact Our Metabolism?

Metabolism and nutrient absorption are two important factors in our overall metabolic function. Amino acids are organic compounds necessary for producing proteins, synthesizing hormones, and overall bodily functions. Threonine has a hand in both. On the metabolism side, it helps to regulate the way we break down fat by aiding lipotropic function. This breakdown of fat is particularly important when it occurs in the liver, preventing the buildup of fat in the liver and possibly reducing the risk of liver failure.

Threonine’s impact on nutrient absorption starts in the digestive tract. It produces a layer of gel that protects digestive enzymes. These digestive enzymes help our gut to break down nutrients from the foods we eat. This cascade of events ends with a healthy gut and starts with threonine.

Why is it an Ingredient in GOOD IDEA?

Threonine is an essential ingredient that helps our body form collagen, elastin, and tooth enamel. These structures help to keep our muscles, bones, skin, blood vessels, tendons, digestive system, heart, and teeth healthy and strong. 

While a portion of our ingested threonine is dedicated to the many functions listed above, threonine can also be diverted to assist with functions in the brain, intracellular metabolism, and immune function by way of glycine and serine. 

Just when you think this busy amino acid can’t work anymore, we introduce its impact on metabolic function. The ability to regulate our breakdown of fat and improve nutrient absorption plays a large role in our metabolic health.

When we improve our nutrient absorption, we can help to maximize the health benefits of everything we eat. Given the impressive list of benefits and functions that can be attributed to this amino acid, it is easy to see why we chose to include threonine in every GOOD IDEA drink.

What Does GOOD IDEA Do?

For those looking to improve their metabolic health through blood sugar control, GOOD IDEA can help. Our lightly sparkling functional water contains essential amino acids, including threonine, and the mineral chromium picolinate. By drinking GOOD IDEA, you can help stabilize post-meal blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.

Incorporating GOOD IDEA into your routine is easy. Start by drinking a third of your can a few minutes before eating, and finish the can with your meal for an average reduction in post-meal blood sugar of 25%. Be confident in your health, knowing GOOD IDEA is backed by rigorous clinical research, making it a trustworthy addition to your health regimen.

Remember, all GOOD IDEA products are non-GMO, vegan, and keto-friendly. With Swedish flavors like Wild Raspberry, Black Currant, and Strawberry Elderflower (just to name a few), improving your blood sugar has never tasted so good.

good idea drinks as an option


Q: How much threonine do I need per day?

A: The reference daily intake (RDI) of threonine is 15 mg per kg of body weight (or roughly 6.8 mg per pound).  Thus, the average 190-pound person would need to consume 1,292 mg of threonine to hit the RDI.  While a number in the thousands of milligrams may seem like a lot, once you learn that six ounces of chicken breast contains 2,445 mg, the RDI becomes more attainable.

Q: Can I get enough threonine from my diet alone?

A: Yes, as long as you have a balanced diet that includes sources of protein such as meat, dairy, eggs, and legumes. However, certain groups may need to supplement with threonine to meet their daily needs. Ultimately, consulting with a nutrition expert can help determine the right amount for your specific needs.

Q: Can threonine help with weight loss?

A: While threonine does play a role in fat breakdown, it is not a weight loss tool. A healthy diet and regular exercise are still the most important factors for managing weight.

Q: Can I get enough threonine on a vegan or vegetarian diet?

A: Yes, it is possible to get enough threonine from plant-based sources such as legumes, nuts, and seeds. However, careful planning and monitoring of protein intake may be required. Consultation with a nutrition expert can help ensure adequate threonine intake.

Q: Are there any negative side effects of consuming too much threonine?

A: It is generally safe to consume high amounts of threonine through food sources. However, supplementation should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid potential negative side effects.

Q: What foods should I avoid if I have a threonine deficiency?

A: Foods that are low in protein or lack complete amino acids may not provide sufficient amounts of threonine. Avoiding processed and heavily refined foods can also help ensure that the majority of the foods you eat come from higher protein sources.


Threonine is a powerhouse amino acid with a multitude of health benefits. From supporting muscle growth to enhancing immune function and liver health, this essential nutrient plays a crucial role in your well-being. Moreover, by incorporating GOOD IDEA into your daily routine, you can easily help boost your threonine intake and improve your metabolic health.