How to Have More Energy


How To Have More Energy: Everything You Need To Know

With a busy schedule, many people find it hard to stay healthy and energized. Especially if living a fast-paced modern life, it can be hard to balance priorities to maintain our health and energy. The result often leaves us feeling tired and worn down.

Do you lack energy? It may result from one or several activities in your everyday life.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to boost your energy levels naturally and ensure you’re getting what you need for ultimate health. Here are some simple tricks that will give you more energy.

tips for improving health and energy

Why Do We Have Less Energy?

It’s normal to feel tired at the end of the day. But sometimes, it can be difficult to make it through your busy day. And if you're feeling this way, chances are you're trying to get more sleep. However, sleep is only one of the possible reasons you might have low energy levels.

Sleep deprivation is a common culprit for lacking energy levels. If you’re not getting enough sleep, your body will produce less serotonin and other hormones that keep us happy and energized. This can make it difficult to concentrate and stay motivated throughout the day. As a result, we can become irritable or easily frustrated.

But lack of sleep isn’t the only cause of fatigue – it could also be caused by several other factors, from caffeine intake, dieting, or chronic illnesses like depression or anemia.

What Are The Best Ways To Increase Energy Levels?

increase energy levels

Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking enough water can help you feel more energized and less tired. When your body is dehydrated, it doesn’t function as well as it should. If you don’t drink a lot of water each day, your body may be feeling sluggish or tired because it can’t produce enough energy.

Doing exercises to improve energy

Get Active!

Exercise is the best way for an energy boost. There are so many ways to exercise, from running outside, going to the gym, taking a walk around the block – you name it! Our bodies were made for movement, so we should take advantage of that.

Harvard Medical School reported that regular exercise could help your body produce more dopamine and serotonin, neurotransmitters known to relieve depression and boost moods.

healthy foods can improve energy

Eat Healthy Foods!

Healthy eating habits will have a major impact on your energy levels and health in general. Eating fruits and vegetables that give us nutrients like potassium and magnesium will give you more energy. You could also try drinking green tea to get an extra boost of caffeine and feel more energized all day long.

how to increase energy levels

Get Enough Sleep!

Sleep is one of the simplest ways to increase your energy levels because it helps recharge our minds and bodies for the next day ahead.

So how much sleep do you need in a day?

We all need 7-8 hours of sleep each night, but if we don’t fall asleep, we lose focus, make bad decisions, and even become more irritable than usual, which can lead to all sorts of other health problems like obesity or diabetes.

Research suggests that not getting enough sleep can cause hormonal changes in the body that affect appetite and energy levels. For example, when you sleep less, your body produces more ghrelin, which is responsible for sending hunger signals to the brain.

tips for maintaining energy

How To Maintain Your Energy Levels

There are many ways to boost your energy levels. You could eat things like avocados, nuts, and fatty fish to give you the healthy fats that help your body function.

You could also drink plenty of water each day. One gallon per day is recommended for optimal health, but it’s not always easy to do. If you don’t like the taste of plain water, try adding lemon or cucumber slices to your glass for flavor.

Drinking tea is another great way to get more hydration each day because tea has caffeine, increasing your energy levels (but be careful not to drink too much!) And if you’re feeling low on natural light, make sure you take a break outside at least once a day!

Foods That Boost Energy Levels: The Best Choices For Your Health

How do you feel when you eat a piece of fruit or a bowl of pasta? If your answer is anything other than energized and focused, it's time to rethink your diet.

Eating nutritious foods can help you maintain optimal physical and mental health. That means more energy, improved moods, and better sleep. Here are some healthy foods that will keep you feeling on top of the world!

Why Do We Need To Eat Healthy?

While it's easy to get dragged down by life, there are a few tricks you can do to stay on top of your game. One of the best things you can do is eat healthy.

Not only will eating healthy help you feel better physically and mentally, but it will also help keep your weight and blood sugar in check. Eating healthy might seem daunting, but if you're willing to put in a little bit of work for long-term results, it's worth it.

There are many benefits to eating healthy:

  • It'll help improve your physical and mental health.
  • It'll curb cravings and appetite.
  • It'll increase energy levels and stamina.
  • It'll promote weight loss goals.
  • It'll help with sleep.
  • It'll reduce stress levels.

The Best Time Of Day To Eat Certain Foods

There are optimal times to eat certain foods and sustain energy. For example, most people with high-stress jobs and lifestyles might do well to consume more protein and fats in the morning and at lunchtime, with no carbs in the evening.

Our body and brains run on blood sugar, or glucose. The outer layers of our cells are lipids, which are hydrophobic. Glucose can’t cross a hydrophobic layer, so the only way for glucose to enter our cells is by channels made by protein. Insulin unlocks the cell so glucose can enter it. 

This way, they feel energized when they wake up and throughout the day and avoid feeling tired when it's late into the night. Carbohydrates can be eaten at any time of day, with an increased intake during breakfast (about 50% of your diet) and dinner (25% of your diet).



What you eat for breakfast will determine how the rest of your day goes.

Do you ever find yourself dragging toward lunchtime? Eating a good, balanced breakfast is key to setting up your body for the day. Low-sugar carbs are perfect – think whole grains, bananas, or oatmeal with fruit.

When it comes to getting the right amount of sleep, night owls have it all wrong. If you're not eating enough protein at night, your body may produce more melatonin, which can interfere with your sleep cycle. To avoid this problem, try to eat some high-quality protein before bed. Nuts are a great source of healthy fats and protein to keep you feeling full and ready for the next day's morning workout!


Many foods can help you boost your energy levels. One great option is to pack a healthy lunch for the day. A balanced lunch should include foods low in sugar and high in protein, like turkey or beans. Try to avoid heavy desserts and fried foods, which could leave you sluggish later.

You should also think about what time of day you'll need more energy. For example, if you work nights, try not to eat breakfast late in the morning. This will give your body enough time to rest before it has to go back into work mode.

Foods That Help With Mood And Anxiety

Foods That Help With Mood And Anxiety

Eating foods like blueberries can help boost your mood and reduce anxiety. Vitamin B6 and magnesium are two of the most important nutrients for those suffering from anxiety, according to Psychology Today. They're essential to regulating serotonin levels in the body, a chemical that helps regulate moods and sleep cycles.

Eating foods with tryptophan will also improve your mood and help you sleep better. Tryptophan is an amino acid converted to serotonin when digested by the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for regulating moods, pain perception, appetite, and sleep cycles.

Foods rich in tryptophan include animal protein such as eggs, poultry, beef, and pork; dairy such as cottage cheese or yogurt; beans such as pinto beans; nuts such as almonds or cashews; soybeans such as tofu; fruits such as bananas or plums; vegetables such as spinach or avocados; whole grains like oats or brown rice.

Foods That Help With Focus And Concentration

When you're feeling unfocused or have difficulty concentrating, it can be helpful to have a snack in your hand.

A healthy snack will boost your energy levels and help you power through the afternoon slump or focus better in the morning. You don't have to go for an unhealthy fix like a cup of coffee or a chocolate bar.

Try snacking on organic pumpkin seeds, organic almonds, organic dark-chocolate-covered raisins, or raw apple slices with almond butter for some natural alternatives that are packed with protein.

Foods For Better Sleep 

For optimal physical and mental health, sleep is a must. Sleeping well can help you maintain your focus and energy levels. That's why it's important to make sure you're getting the right amount of sleep each night. If you're not getting enough sleep, you'll notice that your cognitive function and moods will be negatively impacted.

A healthy diet is one way to ensure that you’re sleeping well at night. Good food choices can help with both the quality and quantity of sleep.

Examples of foods for better sleep:

  • Foods high in magnesium: soybeans, blackberries, pumpkin seeds
  • Foods rich in tryptophan: turkey, eggs
  • Foods high in melatonin: cherries, walnuts

Foods You Should Avoid To Prevent Tiredness

Tiredness is a common symptom that people experience as they age. The feeling of tiredness can be due to various factors such as hectic schedules, lack of physical activity, and changes in sleep patterns.

If you want to reduce the risk of having tiredness, you need to know which foods should be avoided. Here are some foods that can increase tiredness.

Foods That Can Make You Tired 

  • Sugary foods can make you feel lethargic.
  • Coffee, which contains caffeine, can also make you feel tired.
  • Decaffeinated coffee is a better option than regular coffee because it doesn’t contain caffeine.
  • Alcoholic drinks may seem like they give you energy, but they are the main cause of sleep issues in adults over age 65.
  • When consumed in excess, red meat can cause inflammation that leads to tiredness.
  • Canned soup with high sodium content can be one of the causes of fatigue since it contains both high levels of salt and preservatives.

Foods That Can Help With Tiredness 

Whole Grains

Whole grains contain a high amount of fiber and can help with a sense of fullness. This may help reduce the tiredness that some people may experience after eating.

Foods Rich In Protein

Foods rich in protein can be helpful for those who are trying to lose weight, as they can help increase satiety.

healthy eating tips


Honey is a natural sweetener and contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium. Honey is most helpful when eaten before bedtime because it can enhance sleep quality and duration.


Tea is effective in reducing fatigue and increasing alertness during the day. It’s most effective when consumed around two hours after waking up in the morning or just before bedtime at night.

Ways To Boost Your Energy With Simple Activities

You don’t have to be a full-time athlete to get all of the benefits and perks of high energy. You can get them just by adding a few minutes of activity to your daily routine. Here are 10 things you may not have thought of doing but which can help give you a boost in no time!

creating a positive work environment

Clean Your Desk

If you want to create a positive and productive work environment, clean your desk. This activity is so quick and easy, yet it can have a big impact on your productivity. A messy desk can distract and make you feel like you’re surrounded by chaos.

It may sound like a simple task, but the truth is that many people spend hours each day staring at their desks without even realizing how much of an impact those minutes could have on their productivity. If you only take 5 minutes out of your day to clean up your workstation or office space, you could see a noticeable change in your mood and work ethic.

For example, I always feel energized when I clear my desk before working – which is why I generally do this first thing in the morning! It sets the tone for my entire day and makes me more excited to get started with whatever project I’ve got going on.

Go For A Walk

The most important thing for boosting your energy is increasing the amount of activity that you do daily. One way to do this is by going for a walk, even if it’s just for 15 minutes.

Walking is an excellent way to get some fresh air and move around without spending too much energy. It can also be a great way to boost your mood, as research has shown that walking in nature helps reduce depression and anxiety.

Walking is also a great way to boost your physical health. Walking has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, stroke, and more. If you have any concerns about your weight or height/weight ratio, you may want to consult with an expert before starting any exercise routine.

Declutter Your Workspace

The clutter in your workspace can drain your energy and make you feel overwhelmed. Sometimes it can be hard to know where to start with decluttering, but one good way is to just throw out the junk that’s sitting in your office or home. You don't need any of that stuff!

Stand Up More Often

It’s not as hard as you think to take a break from your desk and stand up. Try standing every time you make a phone call, for instance, or if you stop by your co-worker’s desk to chat. Not only is it better for your joints and posture, but it might even be more productive!

stretching tips

Stretch At Your Desk

If you work in an office, there’s a good chance you spend most of your day sitting down. Sitting can make your back and neck stiff and sore.

A quick and easy way to counteract the effects of sitting is to stretch. Try doing shoulder rolls, neck rotations, or ankle circles each hour. This will help keep you more limber and energized throughout the day. And don’t forget to take your lunchtime walk or run around the block!


One way to avoid burnout is through meditation. Meditation has been shown to relieve stress in just minutes per day! It's a great way to find peace when feeling overwhelmed at work or when life gets hectic. You just sit comfortably in a quiet space with your eyes closed and focus on breathing in and out deeply in sync with your breath.

Meditation is a great way to boost your energy levels. It can help you become more centered, making you feel more grounded in the present moment. It also boosts your creativity and helps you to relax.

Be Aware Of Your Posture

Bad posture can cause some health problems, from pain in the neck to digestive disorders. Slouching, slumping, or sitting in an awkward position can negatively affect your body. When you maintain good posture, you’ll improve your breathing and circulation, which will give you more energy.

It is important to be aware of your posture to help boost your energy levels. When we sit slumped over with our heads down and our shoulders rounded forward, we decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches our brain and heart.

Also, our lungs don't expand fully, limiting how much air we take in. We also compress the nerves that go into our stomach and diaphragm when we sit like this, making it difficult for food to move through the digestive system.

Try sitting up straight – sit up tall with your feet flat on the floor or even resting on a yoga mat (you'll want one if you're not sitting on the ground), place your hands palms down on your thighs, and pull in your stomach muscles while rotating your pelvis slightly forward. This should create a gentle curve in your back. You should feel taller and more alert already!

The Benefits Of Having More Energy

Having more energy is the ultimate game-changer. When you have more energy, your life is better. Period. You might find yourself accomplishing things you never thought you could before, like tackling a new project at work or finally finishing that workout routine.

You might feel happier and less stressed about everyday tasks that used to be so hard to get through. Whatever your reason for wanting more energy, there are ways to do it with minimal effort.

The Importance Of Energy

Energy is important for all people, especially those living with chronic health conditions. It can be difficult to find the energy needed to live a fulfilling life with chronic health issues.

That’s why it’s so important to find ways to boost your energy levels. Methods like eating more nourishing foods and getting adequate sleep can help you stay energized regularly. But if you're looking for an instant way to gain more energy, here are some effective methods.

Spending time outside has been proven to increase vitality and mood. It's also a great way to get your body moving and your heart pumping! This is especially important during the winter months when we spend so much time inside due to inclement weather.

If you're feeling sluggish from sitting all day, try exercising for at least 20 minutes every day. This could be as simple as taking a walk or going on a bike ride, or as intense as going for a run or lifting weights at the gym. Exercise increases circulation and helps you feel better overall!

According to Mayo Clinic, dehydration is one of the most common causes of fatigue in adults over 50 years old. Drinking enough water throughout the day is essential for maintaining your energy levels and hydration status!

The Health Benefits Of More Energy

If you're trying to eat healthier, one of the best things you can do is add more whole foods to your diet. Whole foods are packed with nutrients, and they're naturally energizing. They'll keep you feeling full for longer, which means less snacking, too.

One of the most effective ways to get more energy is getting enough sleep every night. When you don't get enough sleep, your body feels tired, and you might even have trouble concentrating or remembering details. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety! Lack of sleep can be an issue for people leading busy lives with long hours at work or school with little time for rest or relaxation.

Another thing that can help increase your energy levels is exercise! Exercise releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins which make us feel happier! It also helps us stay focused throughout the day to accomplish everything on our list without feeling too burned out.

Tips For Improving Your Energy Level

There are many ways to improve your energy level. One way is to eat more protein. Protein contains amino acids essential for cellular repair, which supports your immune system and boosts metabolism.

Another way to get more energy is to take a break. Taking time each day to do absolutely nothing will help you recharge your batteries, allowing you to focus on whatever task comes next better.

Lastly, make sure you take care of yourself physically. Get plenty of sleep, drink lots of water, and exercise regularly to stay energized!

How Your Mental Health Affects Your Energy Levels

Most of us are familiar with the physical symptoms of low energy, such as feeling sluggish or developing headaches. But what about the mental symptoms? Much like our physical health, what's happening in our minds can also affect how we feel.

Mental health problems like anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder can lead to a lack of sleep or insomnia and an increase in stress hormones which can lead us to feeling tired and worn out. 

Not to mention that if these feelings don't go away on their own, they could turn into chronic conditions. Here are some ways to take care of your mental health to start feeling your best again.

How To Take Care Of Your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health is an important task. To do this, it's important to know what you can do to help yourself feel better. This doesn't mean taking medications if that is not the right route for you. It means doing things that make you feel happy and relaxed.

For example, exercise is a great way to relieve stress and make you feel good about yourself. Taking time for yourself every day can also help! Spend time with friends or doing something fun, whatever makes you happy.

Your mental health will greatly affect your energy levels, so it's important to take care of yourself mentally as well as physically. Remember, if things don't get better on their own, they might become chronic conditions that are tough to manage – so speak up about what's going on in your head!

how to stay energized

Spend Time With People Who Make You Happy

Spending time with people who make you happy is one of the easiest ways to give yourself a boost. Spending time with someone who cares about you will help you feel more relaxed and less anxious.

Spending time with supportive people will also help raise your self-esteem so you can take on anything that comes your way. Even if this person lives far away, take advantage of video chatting or social media messaging to talk to them at any time.

tips to improve mental health

Keep A Journal

One way to improve your mental health is writing down your thoughts in a journal. We often have feelings that we don't want to talk about with other people, leading to pent-up stress and anxiety.

Keeping a journal lets you write about your thoughts and feelings without judgment. If you're dealing with depression, therapy or counseling may be helpful, too. You also might find relief in working on an anger management plan or following the steps to de-escalate panic feelings.

No matter your mental health issue, there are resources available to help you feel better again. Take care of yourself so you can start feeling like yourself again!

How Different Mental Disorders Affect Energy Levels


Anxiety can cause you to act out by having meltdowns over things that seem trivial (often yelling at people who do not deserve it). If these feelings don't go away on their own, they could turn into chronic conditions.


Depression can sap your energy levels through feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Bipolar Disorder

Mania or mania symptoms, such as feeling euphoric or energized, can lead to lack of sleep or insomnia. This triggers other symptoms, such as lack of concentration and difficulty functioning.

These mental disorders can affect your energy levels and make it difficult to function normally in society. But there are ways to take care of your mental health so you can start feeling your best again!

You should talk with a doctor about the best treatment options and whether medication is appropriate for you. If it is, please share any other medications you're taking with the doctor because some drugs interact poorly with others.

tips to stay energized

Caffeine, Glucose & Your Brain

When we drink caffeine, we feel the effects quickly. For most people, the effects of caffeine consumption are felt within 15 minutes, and it can take up to 10 hours for caffeine to fully leave the bloodstream.

Caffeine And Energy

Did you know that caffeine doesn’t actually give you energy? It doesn’t “energize” us, but it instead mutes our brain from telling us we are tired. Essentially, caffeine tricks your brain into not feeling tired anymore. 

How does it do this?

When caffeine hits the brain, it adheres to adenosine receptors. Adenosine in our brain is what makes us feel sleepy. So, when caffeine binds to those adenosine receptors, it tricks the brain into not feeling tired. However, within 6 hours, the adenosine receptors let go of caffeine and we start to drag. 

Caffeine And Stress

Caffeine stimulates the release of the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine (also known as adrenaline), and norepinephrine, which raises blood pressure and increases feelings of stress. 

Stress hormones are designed to give you the energy to run away from danger. When we drink caffeine, we’re forcing our bodies into a stress response to get us moving with our day. The problem is we’re not designed to experience chronic stress all day, every day. This is where caffeine gets problematic for people.

Caffeine And Sleep

Sleep is a vital part of life. It's what helps our bodies repair and recover from the day before. But it's also important to mention that caffeine can impact your sleep quality.

Caffeine And Mood

Caffeine can also affect your mood.

In a study, volunteers were given either a caffeinated drink or a decaffeinated one and then asked to do a task they found unpleasant. The caffeinated group reported fewer feelings of anxiety and depression.

This is because caffeine can release dopamine in the brain, making you feel good about what you're experiencing. This dopamine release can positively affect moods by reducing feelings of stress, worry, and depression.

However, caffeine can have negative side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, anxiety, and dehydration.

Who Should Take Caffeine?

Caffeine can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle. However, this stimulant should not be consumed by everyone.

Pregnant women should be mindful of their caffeine intake as high doses could affect the fetus and lead to miscarriage. Children under 18 years old should also avoid consuming too much caffeine, as it has been linked with decreased bone mass, which can lead to osteoporosis later in life. Those who have anxiety disorders or panic attacks should also take care when consuming caffeine because it may worsen the symptoms.

The Risks Of Consuming Caffeine

Although caffeine can be beneficial in many ways, some risks come with consuming it. The risks include:

  • Anxiety and nervousness
  • Headaches and other health problems
  • Increased heart rate and irregular heartbeat
  • Upset stomach and diarrhea

With long-term use of caffeine, the brain may actually start making more adenosine receptors, making our normal caffeine dose too small. This is when we need more caffeine to energize us the way it used to, and when we don’t have it we feel symptoms of withdrawal, like headaches or drowsiness.

Some of these side effects may be reduced by consuming smaller doses of caffeine instead of large doses. You may also want to stop consuming caffeine altogether. If you go this route, you may experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms, like headach es or drowsiness, but these symptoms usually disappear after a couple of days.

how caffeine affects your body

Effects Of Caffeine In Your Body

Caffeine is found in plants like coffee beans and cocoa beans, but it can also be found in tea leaves. It is most commonly consumed as a pick-me-up to help combat fatigue, but it has many other effects on the body.

The stimulating effects of caffeine can cause nervousness, headaches, upset stomachs, and rapid heart rates.

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much?

Caffeine is found in many different products, from chocolate to coffee. The amount of caffeine varies by product and by person, which can lead to a lot of confusion.

For example, you might hear the same person say that they only drink one cup of coffee a day and they're not addicted to it, but then you know someone else who drinks eight cups every morning and says that they need it to function.

So how much is too much?

There are no set guidelines for how much caffeine is too much because caffeine depends on many factors like body weight, metabolism, age, etc. However, there are some guidelines for children and pregnant women.

Children should not consume more than 100 mg of caffeine per day, while pregnant women should not consume more than 200 mg per day. The general suggestion for adults is 400 mg per day which would be about four cups of coffee. If you’re feeling sluggish or experiencing other side effects like headaches or insomnia, then cut back on your intake until the symptoms disappear.


Getting enough shut-eye is vital for looking and feeling healthy. Studies show that a few nights of missed sleep can affect behavior, judgment, memory, and energy levels.

Because people's needs differ, it's important to get adequate rest. If you feel tired during the day despite logging plenty of zzz’s, try to get even more sleep.

The best way to get the nutrients your body needs is by eating a healthy diet of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Keep in mind that some foods are natural energy boosters, whereas others may leave you feeling fatigued.

Caffeine is one of those "energy boosters,” but it can also cause irritability and affect sleep quality. Thus, if you want to feel more energized throughout the day, try limiting caffeine intake or cutting it out altogether.

Exercise may not automatically lead to better energy levels for everyone, but people accustomed to physical activity often report greater stamina. If you or someone you know has little or no energy, try incorporating these habits into your lifestyle and see how they affect your daily life.

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